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My Name

Rory Church

Ms. Yeganegi

World Literature

August 24, 2016

My Name

   My name is Rory. It is a Irish name. In English it means Red King, although I have brown hair and

I am a girl. I love my name. My dad’s favorite guitar player is named Rory, my mom also loves the show Gilmore Girls and the lead character in that show is named Rory. My sister likes to tell me that’s how I got my name, but my mom and dad say that they just always liked the name.

   My middle name is Wentworth. My uncle’s middle name is also Wentworth. We got it from my grandmother and my uncle’s mom. In English it means white village. Although it is generally thought of as a boy’s name I like it.

I am honored to of gotten my name from my grandmother. She was a strong and beautiful lady. She was a trip with a big attitude. She had SEVEN kids! (that is a ton) I wish I could have known her longer than I did, but my mom and her sisters and brothers always tell me stories about her.

   My grandmother, AKA, Big Mom (I know what your thinking, why did we call her big mom? Not because she was big, she was actually a very petite lady, but because she was the boss) was crazy but I loved her. I am so glad I am carrying her name on today.

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